Editorial description

TAW Magazine is an international professional and lifestyle resource that publishes practical and powerful celebratory, inspirational, informative and empowering content for all women working in higher education.

Published quarterly, we cover the things that matter to those working within higher education, and within each issue we include:

  • Profiles
  • In-depth interviews/features
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Tips and advice
  • News items (awards, promotions, new roles and challenges, new projects etc)

Mission: To shine a spotlight on women in academia by championing recognition, well-being and positive action for more women empowerment.

Editorial objectives:

  • Raise the awareness and aspiration of the next generation of women regarding the possibility of a careers in higher education, STEM and other career options. 
  • Champion recognition and celebrate women working in higher education (HE) across all levels, and women who are trailblazers in underrepresented disciplines (eg STEM subjects).
  • Provide a space for women in academia/higher education to share their stories to inspire and connect with one another.
  • Promote health and wellbeing
  • Entertain and empower readers through an interesting blend of content that reflects what is happening in the higher education sector.

Editorial guidelines

TAW tone should be informal, chatty and intimate. Share your experiences with us – your success stories, challenges, mistakes you have made, things you have learned in your career and things you wish you had known earlier.

Feature articles should be approximately 1200 words and should have a title, introduction, body, conclusion and where appropriate, references. Articles should be submitted with 2-4 images.

Personal essays or stories written by contributors and should be approximately 600 to 1000 words. Stories should be submitted with two photographs.

Mission driven – The experience of taking on a new project or venturing into a new territory or influencing policy change in your organisation. Word count should be approximately 600 to 1000 words.

A research story/experienceSummaries of ongoing research/projects and should be approximately 300 to 800 words. This may include abstracts, research findings summary, book reviews etc.

Viewpoint – Insights and opinions on issues relating to academia, and on women in academia. Word count should be approximately 800 to 1200 words.

TAW lifestyle – General topics on lifestyle, wellness, fitness, health, fashion and beauty. Word count should be approximately 600 to 800 words.

Original non-infringing works

Writers and contributors must present articles, artwork, and photos that are original and do not infringe upon the intellectual property or other rights of a third party.

Style guide

Text format

All articles and pieces should be submitted as a Word document and should be sent as an email attachment. If you want to embed photos in the article to show where they should be positioned, this is permissible – as long as you also submit them as separate files.


Full spelling should be included in first time reference. E.g. The Academic Woman (TAW) Magazine.

Photography style

The photography should be high resolution and ideally possess real-life quality. We are not aiming for posed photos with eye contact. We want natural relaxed photographs of women in their field of study. Nothing glorified, just the

everyday aspect of hard work in the academic field that the audience can relate to personally.

Portrait photography

There should be nothing heavily edited – no airbrushing or editing of women. Instead, we are aiming for natural photos of real people – ideally not in a studio setting, but a real-life environment. Co-authors must all provide their photographs.

Art and photos sent by mail will be retained by TAW Magazine unless return is requested by contributors.

Author Bio/Contact Data 
Current biographical data MUST be submitted for each author of an article, complete with contact information.

Reference/Quotation Source List 
A reference list should cite all document titles, volume, and issue numbers and page numbers. A quotation source list should include names, titles, company names and phone numbers, and email addresses for individuals quoted.


Articles should be emailed to anatu@theacademicwoman.co.uk with text attached as word documents. 

Submitted material is subject to editorial revision. Copyright in material published, except written by TAW, remains with the author, but the author authorises TAW to publish that material in The Academic Woman magazine, and to allow it to be reproduced on TAW’s website and social media platforms. Highlights of articles and interviews may be shared on social media. Articles that have gone through our editorial revisions and publisher’s layout must not be submitted to another media outlet for publication.

Regular writers/freelancers

Email anatu@theacademicwoman.co.uk for terms and conditions.


Email anatu@theacademicwoman.co.uk to see our rate card and prices.